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Compost Bins

Compost Bins

Composting is an easy way to break down garden waste and scrap that would otherwise go to landfills into nutrient-rich soil amendments for your gardening needs. However, starting to compost can be overwhelming. What material goes in the pile? How do you choose the best compost bin or filters?

Transform your Food Scraps and Organic Materials into Nutrient-Rich Compost

Start by collecting food bits and vegetable scraps to fill cardboard boxes or trays without holes, then transport them into a bin that will turn your trash into treasure! Coffee grounds can serve as fertiliser for your plants. They can even be composted in ideal conditions with garden clippings, kitchen scraps, sawdust, and other organic matter.

Our Compost Bin Range

Whether you’re looking for a stylish compost bin, a hungry bin, or any other compost bin, our featured products are sure to please. We take your homemade compost heap to the next level. We offer bins of a good size that effectively keep moisture and nutrients in the container while decomposition occurs. Durable and weatherproof, our bins prevent your compost from getting too soggy and keep out anaerobic organisms.

How to Choose the Best Compost Bins

Looking for convenience? Our worm bins are specifically designed to limit bad smells and vermin. This means they’re suitable for being kept at the front door or in garages with the rest of your bins. If red worms aren’t for you, our 435L aerated bin is a versatile choice designed with a large top lid designed for easy access. Choose our tumbling compost bin for a unique design that makes the process more efficient by letting in fresh air to supply the oxygen needed for the necessary bacteria to thrive. Our 466L Earthmaker aerobic composter creates a continuous cycle system that prevents the mixing of newly supplied produce waste with material that is already maturing. On a budget or have limited ground space? Our 115L compost bin is the perfect option.

Shop Online or In-Store Now

Buy your compost bin today online or in-store. We offer NZ-wide shipping, or you can choose our Click and Collect option. Our collection features everything from gardening soil fertiliser and greenhouses to water blasters and rotary tillers. Questions? Feel free to contact us!